ITVT Use Case

Stadtwerk365: Successful implementation of an e-mail campaign for price adjustments 

When it comes to communicating price adjustments with customers, municipal utilities are quickly faced with a mammoth task. All customers of an energy supplier should be informed as soon as possible – but what is the fastestand most efficient way to implement this?  

 Together with ITVT’s IT experts, an existing energy customer was able to successfully send out its notifications on the price adjustment for green electricity with the help of a central e-mail campaign. This saved total costs of over 600 euros , which would otherwise have been incurred for manual logistics by mail. The delivery rate was more than 98 percent. 

Shared success through digital competence – this is how it works ́

Traditional mailingby post causes veryhigh costs and a considerable administrative burden. In addition, there is a risk of loss of shipping because letters are not delivered and this goes unnoticed. Companies such as utilities therefore need a cost-effective and modern solution that enables tracking of the deliveryrate.

The solution here is: automated e-mail sending.

The customer’s successful transition to email notifications began with comprehensive control and cleansing of existing customer data. For example, low data quality for delivery could be ruled out from the outset and at the same time it was checked whether the e-mail addresses and contact details of the customers were up-to-date and correct, and whether they were subject to the GDPR Directive.  

The experts from ITVT supported the planning; Build and design the email campaign, including crafting compelling subject lines and message content. The final e-mail was finally sent to over 700 recipients.

Dank der hohen Datenqualität und der professionellen Umsetzung durch ITVT wurde eine beeindruckende Zustellrate von 98,93 Prozent erreicht. Lediglich 8 von insgesamt 747 E-Mails konnten nicht zugestellt werden. Zusätzlich profitierte der Kunde von folgendem Mehrwert:   

  • Kosteneinsparung: Bei der Versendung von Preisanpassungsmitteilungen an 747 Kunden konnten durch den Verzicht auf den Briefversand ca. 620 Euro eingespart werden. 
  • Zeitersparnis: Der Versand per E-Mail war deutlich effizienter und schneller als der traditionelle Postversand.  
  • Hohe Zustellquote: Dank der Datenbereinigung durch ITVT und der optimierten Kampagnenplanung konnte eine hervorragende Zustellquote erzielt werden.  
  • Umweltfreundlich: Der Verzicht auf Papier und Porto trug zur Nachhaltigkeit bei. 

Thanks to digital expertise, significantadded value was achieved both in the area of data quality and in a successfulemail campaign for price adjustments. When will you take thestep into digitalization? We are happy to support you.